
2018 WAEC ANIMAL HUSBANDRY ANSWERS ============================== ANIMAL HUSBANDRY OBJ:- 01 - 10: DBAABCCCDC 11 - 20: BADDCBACBD 21 - 30: BCADCACAAC 31 - 40: ABABCADDDD =================== 5(a)Goat: (i) Four chmabered stomach (ii) Presence of false stomach (iii) Absence of gizzard (iv) Absence of crop (v) Absence of proventriculus Chicken: (i) It doesn't have four chambered stomach (ii) Presence of gizzard (iv) Presence of crop (v) Presence of proventriculus (5b) (i) Rumination is the process by which the ruminant animals regurgitates previously consumed feed and masticates it a second time. (ii) Coprophagy is the consumption of faeces. In some animal species it is seen as a normal behavior, like rabbitsDoing that allow tough plant materials to be digested more efficiently by passing twice through the digestive tract. (5ci) Creep feeding: It increase weaning weights in cattle and lambs, compensation for low milk production, and a smoother transition to fee